
Dear Dr. Loonen,

With this letter we confirm that we have taken notice of the concept IPY Expression of Intent entitled "Health of arctic bird populations (BIRDHEALTH)", which is to be submitted to the IPY Joint Committee before January 14th 2005. The lead contact for this proposal is Dr. Maarten Loonen from the Arctic Centre, University of Groningen in The Netherlands. The Netherlands national IPY committee herewith officially endorses this Expression of Intent and agrees to be mentioned as such in the final version of the Expression of Intent.

It is our intention to attract additional Dutch finances for IPY, and we hope to be able to organize an extended call for proposals in the Netherlands Polar Programme (NPP), including refereeing and budget allocation sometime in 2005 or 2006. However, at this moment we cannot give any guarantees on financial support for the Dutch contribution to this project.

If you wish to receive a signed copy of this endorsement letter please contact dr. Marianne Walgreen ( and we will provide you with a signed version (in hardcopy or electronically in PDF-format).


Dr. Han Lindeboom and Dr. Ad Huiskes
Chairpersons Netherlands IPY committee
